Thanks to everyone who’s touched base to see how things are going in Georgia. I’m fine and am currently looking for work. My mom’s chemo continues, but the first drug showed little success, so they switched her to a more aggressive drug a couple of weeks ago. She’ll likely lose her hair over the next…
And on…
There’s a proverbial “ancient Chinese curse” whose age and place of origin I cannot verify. It’s a wish that one live in interesting times. These are they. Leaving my job and relationship was difficult, and certainly not having an income is scary as hell. That’s not to oddest part, though. What’s truly interesting is my…
Saturday Morning Fever
I rolled out of bed at 9:38am. On a Saturday morning, I got out of bed at twenty-to-ten. You don’t have to get how nice that was, but I do, and it was glorious. Busby was still snoring in his crate at the head of my bed, and Tate was curled into his accustomed little…
Starting fresh
It’s true that I’m no longer affiliated with ThreadBear Fiber Arts Studio. There is loss involved. I suspect that it will take a while to work through that loss, but I’m well, the dogs are well, and we’re all moving on. Beyond that, I’m in the first hour of my first real Saturday off in…
What’s up
My mom’s had another cancer issue. It is being resolved as quickly and as effectively as medical science allows, but it’s still a pisser. She’s tough, my sweet Southern Moma, but I worry about her. And I try not to get her involved with drama here. That winds up meaning calling less, though, and she’ll…