Um… I’m having a gender identity issue. I took a Quizilla this afternoon while browsing the Blogosphere, and it appears that I’m a Knitting Goddess. I’m flattered, but a little bruised, too. Are there no Knitting Gods? I don’t have to be THE Knitting God, but… I could be the Knitting Ganesh! I like him. And I’ve already got the belly. Oo-oo! And with four arms, I could knit the HELL out of some stuff.

You appear to be a Knitting Goddess. You are constantly giving and are unconcerned with reward, you simply want others to love knitting as much as you do. If someone wants to knit miles of novelty yarns, you are there for them. If someone wants to learn short row shaping, you can help. There are no taboos in knitting, only opportunities to grow. Everyone should have friend like you around if they want to learn to knit, and there’s a good chance that your passion has rubbed off on a few others.
Take this quiz!
What do you say, Marnie? 😉
Regarding Yesterday’s Post
Thanks to everyone who responded to the zipper post yesterday. I really didn’t realize until yesterday what a hangup I had on that issue, and I was completely blind to even noticing that the issue existed. It was one of those "doesn’t everybody feel this way?" things. Thanks to everyone for the confidence-building comments and obviously pretty straightforward solutions. And thank you very much to Janeen for helping me see that there was, in fact, an issue. I can’t wait to actually get to try out some of these new-found skills!
Hmm… goodness. What ELSE do we not realize about our self-imposed limitations?