I’m thinking the ad should run: Lovely sweater in need of good home. Slightly used by chagrined beagle. Smells pleasantly of beautiful woman who won’t listen. <evil grin>
All right, Teresa. Pick C up off the floor, and tell her I’ve pulled the ad.
For those of you who don’t recall, this is the sweater that Sade of One More Row fame used for a springboard to get her way last Christmas.
See Teresa’s archive for the whole story.
Teresa suggested ripping the sweater and reknitting it. <shudder> It would probably have worked (if she still had some of the original yarn ‘cuz you know there wouldn’t be enough otherwise), but it still made me nuts.
Since I knew that Teresa and Denise were planning on coming over for a visit shortly after Teresa’s post, I begged her to bring it with her and let me have a shot at fixing it before she dismantled the sweater and ripped the entire front panel. Fortunately, she did bring it… and it’s mommy. C loves the sweater, and Teresa loves C, but the sweater is all stockinette. Read that again. Yes, all stockinette with two little stripes at the cuff and waist. It’s a beautiful sweater, but wow… I wouldn’t want to knit it twice. "High Helen" is all stockinette, but I was changing colors every few rows to break the monotony. Oh, and "High Helen" is knit in the round. C’s sweater isn’t.
C, if you ever wondered if Teresa loves you, understand this. That she knit this sweater for you once was a pretty good indication. That she was even contemplating ripping it and knitting it a second time… well, it’s good that you guys bought a house. You’re not getting rid of her.
So, I’ve got a sweater that misses its mommy, and someone appears to be planning another trip to Bloomington.
Teresa, I’m very glad I got the opportunity to salvage this project for you. It really wasn’t hard, so no kudos are necessary. Actually, I sat downstairs with it across my lap last night watching Wanda at Large. About an hour later, I handed it off to Rob for inspection. If God is in the details as they say, then I must be a divinity student. It should probably still be blocked, but otherwise, she’s ready to go home.
Oh, and guys? If you can stand having Sade in the car for three hours, bring her along. She and the Corndog can roast out on the deck while we play.
Much love, folks.