Things are challenging all around. Time is often short, and funds aren’t generally abundant. Life’s taught me, though, that I feel better when I eat well, get enough sleep and exercise, and share the things that bring me joy and a sense of fulfillment. In my experience, the things I’ve found that bring me fulfillment…
I write every day, and yet people continue to tell me that I need to write. I do write. I need to write. I’m compelled every day to speak my mind, and people listen. People seem to get something out of what I write, and I … I want to say that I enjoy doing…
I was born to be an evangelist. Look at me. Those were the first words out of my mouth. I’m sure of it. I love to talk. I love to be engaged. I love to interact with other people. Over here. That was another big one. Come look at this. I’m full of them. I’ve…
With considerably more time on my hands than has been usual for a while, I’ve been able to kind of splash the road grime off my brain and look around a bit. Man, have I been doing stuff wrong or what? First off, let’s be straight. I hate sales. Or perhaps I should say that…
I offer this suggestion to the world at large as someone who suffers from often having too much to say. If it doesn’t work for you, ignore it, but I can attest to how much it has helped me in the last few months. If you’re like me, most of the people that you contact…
On the needles
Cookie A teaching at ThreadBear We had a great visit with Cookie A last weekend. Her classes appeared to go well from the outside, but we had genuinely glowing reviews from the folks in the chairs. From my own perspective, it was wonderful to actually get to spend a little time with her. We’ve met…